My Best Posts

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Could You Survive A Plane Crash?

Flying is by far the safest mode of transportation in the modern world; according to data compiled by Northwestern University, there are only 0.07 deaths per-billion passenger miles, compared to using a a car (2.28), or a motorcycle (212.57) (Morris).

However, accidents happen, and there are many factors that play into one's chances of surviving a plane crash. But knowing some of the statistics of the unlucky fortunate might just save your life if you ever find yourself facing the unthinkable... a plane crash.

Check-out Patrick Allen's "How to Survive a Plane Crash" on

Sources Cited:

Morris, Jessica. "What is the safest way to travel?" City A.M. Limited, 2017.

I'm Back!

Well... at least for now. Two semesters of college have really dampened my blogging, not that I have not had any adventures, on the the contrary. However, the almighty "A" has dictated my priorities as of late, but hey it paid-off... I've kept a 4.0GPA for two whole semesters!

Ever Wondered...

Have you every wonder how it's possible for an airplane pilot to make up for lost time, and help get an airline back onto the planned flight schedule?

Well, check-out this article by Bobbie Edsor on

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

I Am So Doing This!

Today, I heard about this travel agency via Facebook and just had to check it out. Since I'll be doing a summer semester at college with class-free weekends, this would be a great mid-semester getaway option for me.

Check them out here:

Monday, January 30, 2017

Exciting News For Cheaper Trans-Pacific Flights!

The headline "First low-cost Asian airline cleared for flights to the U.S." caught my eye last night. . . all thanks to a friend's Facebook post. This news really excites me, a development like this really opens some new options for Americans looking to travel to Asia.

Even if they never start offering direct flights to the East Coast, where I live, I am still going to keep an eye on this as according to the article, AirAsia's "long-haul affiliate," AirAisia X, will be handling the US - Asia routes. AirAsia X has direct flights to Auckland, New Zealand from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Gold Coast, Australia.

Read the full article here:

Monday, January 23, 2017

1 Year Ago...

1 year ago, I arrive in the beautiful nation of New Zealand to begin a YWAM DTS, which unsurprisingly ended-up becoming the biggest adventure of my life to date. In the 7 months total that I was away, God really gave me a new and refreshed heart for missions on a scale that I could have never imagined before. I am so eager to see what is He has for me next!