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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

My Current Travel Map

Please, feel free to ask questions about any of my trips. I will try to answer all questions.
Samuel S’s Travel Map
As Of Dec-2014: Samuel has been to: Belgium, Belize, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Liberia, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Vatican. Get your own travel map from Matador Network.

Sam's Travel Memories: #1 - Liberian Market

Though I was only 3 (or so) at the time I have a number of memories from my trip to Liberia. One of my most vivid of those memories is from when I was setting in the back seat of a car, going through a market place in Liberia.

While I was used to seeing less than fortunate situations while in Liberia, I was not prepared for what happened in the market that day. To my great displeasure I remember a dead armadillo (one of the many varieties of local "bush meat") being shoved up against my window by a vendor. Scared me, it all happened so fast.

I had never seen an armadillo up close (only dead ones along the road) and that was certainly closer than I was comfortable with. Then, to my horror, the lady who was in the front passenger seat actually got out of the car and bought the thing, placing it in the trunk... not exactly what I was hoping for. My mother, who was sitting in the back with me, later explained to me that it was purchased for food.

Now, I know what your are wondering. Was it ever served to you? As far as I know, it was never served to me. However, I am not sure I would have known what I was eating if it had been. The only thing I really remember eating while in Liberia were little Finger Bananas. I loved those things!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A New Adventure!

While I have traveled the world, this "Travel Blog" stuff is totally new to me. However, I will not shy away from a new adventure. I might not be the most traveled person in this world but, hey... I got info to share and stories to tell.